Birth Photography

Birth photography is about telling your story. It’s about capturing your partner admiring your strength and beauty for hours as you bring your baby into the world. Its about remembering that your doula held your water bottle to your lips every 5 minutes for 2 days straight. Birth photography is about so much more than taking pictures. It gives you the opportunity to look back at one of the most momentous moments of your life and reflect. It’s about filling in the little moments for you that you might have missed while you were gloriously laboring without interruption. I’ve including some photo birth stories below so that you can see the importance of the little moments, the big moments, and the incredible impact that seeing them all together can have.

Welcome Fern Magdalena: Born into her Father’s Hands at Home

It doesn’t matter where you choose to birth, how you choose to birth or who’s in the room. It doesn’t matter if you don’t want anyone but you to see the pictures. I just want to be there for you. You. You. You. This is all about you. Many first time parents don’t anticipate how life changing the birth of their first child will be. Many second time parents didn’t realize it the first time around and are ready to take charge the second time. You have the opportunity to get ahead of that. This is your journey and I will support your choices and shout them from the rooftops, if that’s what you ask of me. Hiring me as your doula or birth photographer means that you are declaring to yourself that you are worth it. Send me a message. Take that extra step for yourself. You DESERVE it.

Meeting Baby Alfie: A Serene Hospital Induction

Many people ask how I can capture your birth story on camera while supporting you as your doula. In order to fully get it, you have to understand the scope of each service. The majority of my work as your doula is before the birth, providing extensive education and tools for you and your partner to use during labor. If I do my job correctly then you won’t notice when I show up during labor because you and your partner are rocking it. Many clients think of my doula services as an insurance policy. Think of it kind of like having a membership to AAA. You spend most of your time driving without incident but when your tire pops on the highway or you run out of gas, you are SO grateful to have that card in your wallet. Thats the doula part.

The photography portion overlaps during labor. When I’m not giving your partner bathroom breaks and filling up your water cup, you will find my camera is in my hand. Any skilled birth photographer knows that you don’t have to take a picture every 2 minutes to capture the essence of the birth. It’s about respecting the birth space and intentionally taking photos of moments that matter the most. After hours of labor the photos add up, even with the multitasking of doula support. The bulk of the work as your photographer is editing. The birth photographs you see here are not straight from the camera. It takes days to edit birth photos because of the unpredictability in lighting, the fast nature of the moment of birth and honestly just the sheer amount of photos. For this reason, it might take up to 2 weeks to receive your birth photos back, but honestly you are so busy with your new baby you hardly even notice.


Hey Little Gus: A Gentle Cesarean

Cesareans can sometimes be tricky for birth photographers and doulas. I love accompanying families into the operating room and I find that families truly appreciate the extra support. My ability to gain entrance into the OR is largely based on permission from the attending surgical team. If you would like to have your cesarean birth photographed then please reach out and we can talk about options. Parents are their own best advocates. The stronger the voice of the client who requests to have their photographer in the room, the more likely they are to make it happen. Even if I’m not permitted into the room for surgery, there is tremendous value in capturing the prep, your brand new baby and postpartum recovery. The moment of birth isn’t the only part of your birth story, and it doesn’t have to stifle your dream of having a birth photographer. I will commonly stay for a few hours after your cesarean to photograph sibling and grandparent meetings too.


Good Morning Aurora Joye: How Lovely to Meet You

Photographing your birth is a privilege. I will never share photos from your birth without a signed model release. All images shown here are used with express consent from families. If you have concerns about privacy, please reach out, and I’m sure we can work through your hesitations together.